Lesson 1 - Gaming Adiction

Today our world is consumed with technology. Even though 80% of people reasonably use games/electronics, we have to be smart with how we use our technology, primarily with electronic games such as Minecraft or Fortnite.


Gaming addiction is a clinical impulse control disorder, an addiction in the same sense as compulsive gambling. Is classified as a mental health disorder. It becomes a disorder when people get more consumed with their gaming and electronics to the point that they ignore its negative consequences impaired control over your gaming control. Often occurs to people that perceive it as creating a “perfect” fantasy world for them.


Some symptoms include social isolation, trouble transitioning from one thought to another, reduction of empathy, loss of appetite and loss of sensory perception. You can determine if you are addicted are by looking for signs that you become increasingly dependent on it. Rapid withdraw can result in being irritable and miserable, can become angry, violent, or depressed, refusal to eat, sleep, or do anything. And constant gaming could potentially cause spine damage due to body posture. But more importantly, constant gaming creates less social time and decreases social development.


Essentially follow a detox treatment to gradually eliminate gaming use to eliminate withdrawal symptoms. You could also control your gaming and electronic intake as well as participating in other activities than games to stimulate the brain like sports.

1. What are some symptoms of gaming addiction?

Making large purchases of cookies

Lack of Sleep


Increased social interaction